How Spirulina Can Boost Your Endurance Performance
Alex Auld
April 25, 2023

In our latest genetic report, Red Blood Cell Production and Endurance Performance, we explored how different genotypes of the NFIA-AS2 gene can result in higher or lower levels of red blood cell production. The ‘CC’ genotype is associated with enhanced red blood cell production, which is beneficial for endurance performance as it allows greater transportation of oxygen to exercising muscles.
For members that don’t carry this genetic advantage, one of their recommended actions is to supplement with spirulina by adding this powder to their smoothies or juices.
Spirulina powder has become increasingly popular as a natural supplement for those looking to boost their health and athletic performance. This blue-green algae is a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants that can enhance energy levels, immune function, and overall well-being.
However, of particular interest to us is the positive effect that this supplement has on red blood cell production and, consequently, endurance performance.
Spirulina Powder and Red Blood Cell Production
Spirulina is a powerhouse of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Among these nutrients, iron and vitamin B12 are vital for red blood cell production. Iron is crucial in the synthesis of haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Vitamin B12, on the other hand, plays a key role in red blood cell formation and helps maintain the health of nerve cells.
Supplementing with spirulina powder can contribute to an increased intake of these essential nutrients, which may lead to an increase in red blood cell production. This, in turn, can improve endurance performance as a result of enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity.
Endurance Performance Benefits
Improved Oxygen Delivery
One of the primary benefits of increased red blood cell production is the enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity. As the number of red blood cells increases, so does the amount of oxygen that can be transported to muscles during exercise. This can result in reduced muscle fatigue, allowing athletes to perform at higher intensities for more extended periods.
Delayed Onset of Fatigue
During endurance exercises, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, contributing to muscle fatigue and a decline in performance. However, the increased oxygen-carrying capacity facilitated by spirulina powder can delay the onset of fatigue by promoting efficient energy production and reducing lactic acid buildup in the muscles.
Enhanced Recovery
An increase in red blood cell production can also aid in post-exercise recovery. Improved oxygen delivery to muscles supports the removal of metabolic waste products and the repair of damaged muscle tissue, ultimately leading to faster recovery times.
Recommended Dosages and Usage
While spirulina powder can offer a myriad of benefits for endurance performance, it is essential to consume it in appropriate dosages. At FitnessGenes we recommend supplementing with 6 g of spirulina powder daily for the greatest performance effects.
To incorporate spirulina powder into your daily routine, try adding it to smoothies, juices, or even sprinkle it over salads and other dishes. Its mild, slightly nutty flavour can be easily masked by other ingredients, making it a versatile and convenient option for boosting your endurance performance.
Spirulina powder's relationship with red blood cell production makes it an exceptional supplement for enhancing endurance performance. By promoting red blood cell production and oxygen-carrying capacity, spirulina can help athletes delay fatigue, perform at higher intensities, and recover more quickly.
Do you have an increased need to supplement spirulina based on your personal red blood cell production? Find out by unlocking your Red Blood Cell Production & Endurance Performance trait, along with 145+ addition health and fitness reports, with a FitnessGenes DNA analysis test.