How To Upload Your Living DNA Data To FitnessGenes
Alex Auld
February 15, 2018

Are you a Living DNA customer looking for additional health and fitness insights? Then we have some excellent news for you. Due to the fact that Living DNA and FitnessGenes process samples using the same genome sequencing panel (Illumina® Global Screening Array), Living DNA customers can upload their existing DNA data to FitnessGenes for instant access to all reports and recommendations, and for a fraction of the cost of a full DNA analysis test.
Here is our step-by-step guide to exporting your DNA data file from Living DNA and uploading it to your FitnessGenes member account:
Downloading your DNA data file from Living DNA
1. Log in to your Living DNA account and click on ‘profiles’ on the left hand side of
2. Click the download icon on the test you would like to download
3. Read the information and, if you agree, ticket the consent box. You will then be provided with the different data options for download
Also see:
Uploading your DNA data file to FitnessGenes
1. Login to your FitnessGenes account at
2. Select ‘Upload Data’ from the top menu
3. Enter the 12-digit voucher code that you received when purchasing your DNA upload from
4. Select ‘Living DNA’ from the dropdown list of providers
5. Use the ‘Browse’ button to locate and upload your DNA data file
6. Once the file has completed uploading, you will have full access to all 140+ genetic reports, each delivered with personalised insights and actions.
If you require any additional support in uploading your Living DNA data to FitnessGenes, please contact and our team will be happy to help.